Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 3

I guess I am not doing so hot today when it comes to the exercise. granted I only got like 6 1/2 hours of sleep, am super dehydrated and am exhausted. It is 80 some degrees out today which only makes my dehydration and sleep deprivation worse. All I want to do is go lay out in the sun with my friends which I was doing for a bit and I believe I am a bit sunburned (couldnt find my suntan lotion and my friend only has copper tone which will give me a major rash. So the choices were red, painful, bumpy and itchy, or red and painful that becomes tan… naturally I chose the tan route). So after one or two hours of that I decided to head to the gym to work out, even though the thought pains me. But when I got there I was out of water in my water bottle and anyone who knows me knows Im a water snob and that I refuse to drink tap water unless absolutely necessary. So I got on this weird ellyptical/stair climber combination machine for about two minutes and was exhausted so I had to go fill up in the water fountain. Which is a really big deal. You call it high maintenance I call it sanitary. Although it just occurred to me that I still have my dads steri pen that you use on camping trips, basically you use a UV light to kill off all the shit that is living in the cesspool we call tap water… Okay maybe thats a bit dramatic but I dont like tap water. Anyways I went back into the tiger pit and went on the ellyptical and went for about 15 minutes on the interval training at a resistance of 5. My roommate says the interval setting is better for losing weight than the fat burn setting… does anyone know if that is true or not? I went for a mile and burned a bit over 100 calories. I think thats all I am going to do at the gym today. I walked around the springs for like two hours last night with my new friend Erin Slay who is super cool. I like her a lot. But my legs are just like physically exhausted so I think maybe Ill try to play some ultimate frisbee or something outside, do something active but not specific machine training. I am just to tired. For breakfast today I had a Big slice of honeydew and two small raspberry chocolate mint crepes and big glass of water. Right now I am eating a fruit salad with a roast beef sandwich with cheddar cheese lettuce a wheat role and dijon mustard. It is quite good. 
Side note - my headphones broke before spring break and I bought a new pair at the airport on my way home for spring break and the packaging was nearly impossible to open. For a facility where scissors are prohibited, you’d think they could ease up on the plastic retainment cell that holds the headphones. I cut my hand open trying to open the package with a nail clipper. Its quite poor planning on packaging companies behalf. Unfortunately I left the new headphones at my house back in New York, and have no headphones here, so I cant listen to anything while working out. It gets really boring. 
Oh and why wouldnt the tiger pit have sanitizer to clean the workout equipment? They use glass cleaner instead and if the person before you uses too much it reeks and burns the inside of your nose. I now know what it feels like to be a cocaine addict, or the stupid boys in middle school who thought it was funny to snort pixie stix… can’t decide which is more pathetic.  thoughts? 
May or may not write tomorrow. we will have to see.
love yours truly.

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