Thursday, March 31, 2011


Seriously, this  looked super weird at first but my friend Grant made me try the chocolate mint water and it has the after taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream its soooo delicious. I highly recommend this to people who are hungry or thirsty and dont want to just drink plain water. There are ZERO calories! it is amazing. Also extra gum’s ice cream flavored and key lime pie gum is a little weird but really the key lime pie is spot on. and its a good substitute if your craving sweets. 
Also in response to “you go girl,” I have cut out everything but water etc. and maybe a drink or two on the weekends. 

Midnight Snack

I’ve decided I drink way too much over the course of the week, not to mention that alcohol is a shit ton of calories that are unwanted. So instead of having a glass of wine after dinner, tonight I decided to go buy a pear and a thing of raspberries from the C-store (my schools tiny grocery store thing). Unfortunately this store is right below me. Literally. my room is the one floor directly above it. So whenever I have an urge to go buy food it is right there below me. Its pretty much the antichrist of food store locations (I realize this is the second time I’ve referred to something as the antichrist of something else, its just a phase. Im sure it will pass). Anyways Im pretty sure I spent most of my dining dollars on this store. I now only have 130 dollars left to last me until mid april when I leave for London (Im taking a class in London and studying there for a month). It should be a good time. My step mom told me she lived in London for a year, and gained 15lbs, which is somewhat unnerving since Im trying to lose weight not gain it. Anyhow I’m quite bored sitting in the second floor lounge. I usually eat when Im bored, and by usually I mean all the time. This is hard. And not fun. But totally worth it right? Someone please tell me I’m right. A kid just walked by with three heinekins. good thing I dont like beer or it would have been quite tempting. Dieting sucks. 
Oh and incase anyone is wondering I had fries and half a chicken medditerranean wrap and half a grilled cheese. Another fabulous idea of Allison Joyce who realized her wrap had almost no chicken and was 99% spinach. so we split cause my dinner was clearly unhealthy. This dieting thing is going to be tough. 

Day 1

SO today I decided to create this blog which also means I went to the gym for the first time since January. I spent 5 minutes warming up on one of those bikes where you sit in a chair with a back on it, cant remember what they’re called. Whatever doesn’t matter, I warmed up on that for about 5 minutes with the resistance on 10. Started to break a swear after about 2 minutes… kind of embarrassing. Then I went on the treadmill (dont worry I do know what some exercise equipment is called) and walked at a speed of 3.0 which I believe is 3mph and did the weight loss training. I went up to an incline of eight for like ten minutes, and let me tell you it was no fun at all. I literally thought my calf muscles were going to give out and that I was going to face plant into the treadmill (I’ve actually seen someone do this before, probably one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. Just saying). After about 30 minutes of the weight loss program I went on an open ellyptical machine and did a 5 minute cool down, with a resistance of 10. And by cool down I mean exercise that makes you sweat like its nobody’s business. You people may be saying woah. she only did 40 minutes (I am very good at math) of exercise? she’s not gonna lose 30lbs like that. All I have to say to you people is get your heart rate up to 192 for 40 minutes, then come talk to me. It was fucking tiring. But hey, its the most exercise I’ve gotten in a while since last rugby practice, which so far has not proved itself to be a sport that gets you into super good shape. Maybe if we did more cardio at practice or got more playing time? but us rookies on the team definitely did not get enough of a workout for it to impact our bodies hardly at all.
In addition to my work out I am also trying to eat healthier. I don’t usually eat breakfast (simply because I wake up to late to have time to eat before class), but this morning I ate a special K protein bar. It was quite good, and chocolatey. Its like my body knew when it woke up that today is the day that im going to get my old body back from high school. Most of the time I dont think I am that fat or overweight, but there are definitely days where I do not want to leave my room. My clothes barely fit anymore and I had to spend a lot of money buying new ones. Since the beginning of the school year I have gone from a 6 to a 12 (a real self esteem booster). Sometimes I wish it would all just go away and the fat would just magically disappear from my body. I tried to eat less and healthier for a while but it wasnt working so it has come to this. Exercise. The antichrist of movement. Plus it doesnt help that my roommate just bought a scale so she can keep track of her weight. Not like she needs to she is super skinny and lost 20lbs since she came to this school. WHO DOES THAT. apparently her. Anyways I had a super awesome salad at lunch, a great idea the credit for which I must give to my best friend allison joyce (by the way if you have never had roasted red peppers before they are fucking fantastic and you should pretty much get on that right now). Speaking of allison, she just texted me saying where are you?!?! Were supposed to be studying for a chem test tomorrow. see! im blogging not studying I put off exercise, I put off studying, what will I put off next? …sorry bad joke. But I best be off to study, might post again later. Blogging is fun. 
By the way if anyone else has any good dieting/exercise stories I’d love to hear them so send me a message or do whatever it is you bloggers do I dont know all yall’s terminology yet. 

The Gist of It

Hello and welcome to losing the freshmen 30. Im Paige and I am a freshman in college at Colorado College (one of the most beautiful college’s in the world if anyone who may be reading this is looking for schools). So if you couldn’t tell from the title this blog is about me (obviously) and how I am going to lose the 30lbs I have gained due to the ridiculously awesome food they have here at school. I’ve never made a blog before and I don’t really know anything about blogging so bare with me. I also suck at the English language and have terrible grammar so if any of you grammar police are reading this I suggest you stop know or you will just end up being extremely frustrated. 
Anyhow I am really bad at motivating myself to go to the gym everyday (honestly ever) my mom suggested that I blog about it. Kind of like Julie and Julia (which is a pretty dece movie if you haven’t already seen it, I recommend it). Even though I rarely actually take my moms advice, it actually sounded like a good idea slash maybe I’ll get famous? probs not but ya never know. So I have created this blog to basically tell all you people out there who have made it to this very sentence about my life trying to lose this stupid weight. So hopefully I will be on everyday to post about the foods Im eating and what I did to exercise etc. etc. And whatever the hell else I feel like posting, which will most likely be a lot of shit that no one cares about. Never fear I will make it clear as to which posts have nothing to do with losing weight so you don’t have to read anything you don’t want to. SO here goes nothing, and welcome to losing the freshmen 30.
Tacky ending? maybe. but I liked it.. and so should you.